Scrapbooking Is Really Not My Thing
I have never been a particularly crafty person. Adam recounts with great glee about my foray with knitting. All I can say is that the kit was $13 and it came with a DVD. How hard could it be? Not one stitch. I watched that stupid DVD 15 times, and I couldn’t even manage the first stitch. And I have a very bad habit of starting things and not finishing them. My one attempt at a scrapbook made it all of 2 pages in before I lost interest. Right now, as we speak, I have all of the parts for a glorious box frame celebrating my 1/2 marathon completion. Well, it’s glorious in my head, as I haven’t quite gotten around to actually assembling the thing just yet.
This long intro is simply to justify using this blog thing as a baby book, because Lord knows, I probably would have made it about 1 page in (DOB, weights etc) before giving up. So here I get to commemorate at lease some of the baby book worthy notes without a giant scrapbook staring me down.
What does a day in the life of 8 month old twins look like, you might wonder. And if you don’t wonder, I’m not sure you’re in the right place. oBviously, this would be a good day. A day where kids sleep as long as they should. A day where there isn’t teething or itching or general fussiness. In other words, an imaginary day.*
6:15am Wake up, usually in a good mood. Grab feet, scootch around, chew on blankets
6:30am Breakfast bottle. Goes a bit slower now that we can hold our own bottles.
6:45am Play time!! Usually start in one of the containment vessels (Exersaucer or Jumparoo) to try and prevent any post-bottle eruptions. Then we move to the floor to get our groove on with in the toy explosion called our play room.
7:30am Finally, a proper breakfast. For now it’s a choice between squash and sweet potatoes, along with some sort of fruity oatmeal. Banana is a favorite, but also pear, peach, apple, mango, blueberry or apricot are options (or some mix). We also just started yogurt, and that’s going well too.
7:50am Relax with a nice cup of water while we read a story. Dr. Seuss is on current rotation.
8:15am Down for nappies
—–mom crosses fingers that they stay asleep past the 45 minute mark, because if they do, they sleep for an hour 45 or 2 hours—-
10:15am Up again to repeat the morning
10:30am Bottles again
10:45am Play time part 2
11:45am Lunch is some sort of veggie, plus fruity oatmeal again. Maybe a hard-boiled egg yolk too.
12:30pm Naptime again
—–mom does the tribal chants to ensure they make it past 45 minutes again—–
2:15pm A little play time in the cribs
2:30pm What, another bottle!?!? This is our third one already!
2:45pm Short play time or maybe a story
3:00pm We get the heck out of Dodge and run errands or go for a walk.
5:00pm Dinner time. A little pureed (*barf*) chicken, some Baby MumMums, a few pieces of mango and we’re good to go
5:45pm A visit to the spa, complete with a facial, lotion massage and new PJs.
6:05pm Last bottle of the day
6:20pm In cribs, on our way to dream land
—-mom and dad pray to avoid the dreaded 2:00-3:30 am wake up call. It’s not every night, but it’s a real bummer when it shows up—-
Pretty repetitive and boring. But I suppose that 8 month olds aren’t super picky. When scrunching the empty baby wipe container is the highlight of your day, I don’t think they could handle too much more stimulation!
*To be fair, they are actually pretty good about staying on schedule, and being happy lovable kids.
One Response to “Scrapbooking Is Really Not My Thing”
That’s EXACTLY why I keep a blog. I am terrible terrible at any sort of crafts and I have zero imagination. You should see how my house is “decorated.” That’s a pretty nice schedule. We’re about an hour later in the morning and 1.5 hours later in the evening. I also do the rain dance for longer morning naps because man, when they get in two hours in the morning and afternoon these days, it’s HEAVEN.
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