What Happens When You’re Locked in the Same Room…All Day
Gratuitous video, in case you wondered what playtime looks like. It also shows you the poofy hair stage. Both of them had this totally poofy spot on the top of their heads for about 3 days. I found the shot of Andy at the end particularly endearing. Melts your heart.
As an aside, we actually escaped from the playroom yesterday and made it out to open gym at Gymboree with a number of other twins and their moms. It was quite a rockin’ good time. Will nearly got stuck in a bucket. The boys were AMAZED by the bubbles and the multidues of 2 year olds that could actually walk…and climb….and not drool gallons upon themselves.
Also, I feel like crawling could be just around the corner. Of course, neither child has any desire to sit up for any length of time, and instead chooses to fling themsleves upon the floor in order to beat their brother to the nearest toy. Because why would they choose to do something useful (like sitting calmly and peacefully for long periods of time) when they have the option to carouse around the playroom. Not these two.
2 Responses to “What Happens When You’re Locked in the Same Room…All Day”
Aw, your boys are SO cute! I do love the shot at the end. They’re really on the move! So did you just babyproof the heck out of that room so they could roam around wherever?
Yeah, we moved pretty much everything out so there was a safe space to lock them in. I mean…enjoy on their own. I would never lock my children somewhere.
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