It’s a Photo Deluge!
Let’s keep the ball rolling here with some more shots I’ve posted recently that *gasp* don’t feature the boys, all found in my Flickr stream.
I FINALLY got around to processing some photos from the excellent Chase Jarvis Innerspace photo shoot from August 31st(!).
I also went on my first photostroll in a long time with the Seattle Flickr Meetup group to the Fishermen’s Terminal in Seattle and ended up shooting mostly macros.
Lastly, while going through the photos from Christmas, I came across a throwaway lighting test shot that my step brother Kane was gracious enough to stand in for while I tweaked my settings. This particular shot induced me to mess around with some high pass filtering, I like the way it came out. Obviously a lot more “processed” than the majority of my photos, but a cool change of pace.
Man, I should really be spacing these posts out more, I’m going to paint myself into a corner with post interval expectations…
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