Archive for April, 2010

What An EggStravaganza!

Cheesy title I know, and yes, the blog has been lacking in updates of the boys as of late. But, you guys (said in my whiniest voice), this twin thing is hard. I can barely put a sentence together, let alone compose a thoughtfully written post about the Amazing Wonder Twins.

So Easter was a busy weekend, and we have proof in the form of a 5 minute long video in which Will takes out a 3 year old at the Easter egg hunt, we visit the children’s museum and Andy goes positively psycho at Red Robin. Really—look at his eyes in the last clip, spooky! Also, please check out the mom snagging things for her kid at the egg hunt, a kid that was way older than Will and Andy. I pretty much promise you, if your kid can’t pick it up, they do not need it.

Anyway, it’s long and you have to listen to my voice way more than you should, but here ya go.