Archive for 2010
Sunday Playdate Photos
35 new photos have been posted, primarily of today’s playdate at Nora’s with Kate and Sammy, along with Bekki’s Harry Potter themed cupcakes.
Contact us directly for print sized versions.
The Talented Mr. Andrew
Not that Will isn’t talented, it’s just that Andy has started doing all of these fun things as of late plus I got them on video, so he gets the entry.
Just Another Night at the Lyon House
There’s been a marked increase in wrestling behavior ’round these parts. I’m not quite sure what to do about it, but I figure filming it is a good first step. I particularly enjoy how polite Andrew is with his pleading.
Photo Catchup
We’ve been neglecting you all, so we’ve posted 28 new photos from March-June. Included are parks, Sharks PJs, a buckethead and Will’s road rash.
Contact us directly for print versions.
Video Catchup
Bekki posted two videos that didn’t end up here, so here they are if you missed them.
Pre-Bed Energy Burn – June 12 2010
Disney World Wrap Up – April 2010
Lies, Damned Lies and 18 Month Checkups
Just the facts, ma’am:
Weight: 28lbs 6oz (75th percentile)
Length: 34″ (90th percentile)
Noggin: 50cm (95th percentile)
Weight: 27lbs (50th percentile)
Length: 33 1/4″ (75-90th percentile)
Noggin: 48cm (75th percentile)
Combined drool amount: moderate to massive
What An EggStravaganza!
Cheesy title I know, and yes, the blog has been lacking in updates of the boys as of late. But, you guys (said in my whiniest voice), this twin thing is hard. I can barely put a sentence together, let alone compose a thoughtfully written post about the Amazing Wonder Twins.
So Easter was a busy weekend, and we have proof in the form of a 5 minute long video in which Will takes out a 3 year old at the Easter egg hunt, we visit the children’s museum and Andy goes positively psycho at Red Robin. Really—look at his eyes in the last clip, spooky! Also, please check out the mom snagging things for her kid at the egg hunt, a kid that was way older than Will and Andy. I pretty much promise you, if your kid can’t pick it up, they do not need it.
Anyway, it’s long and you have to listen to my voice way more than you should, but here ya go.
Hey Andrew, What Did You Think of Tonight’s Sharks Game?
It’s a Photo Deluge!
Let’s keep the ball rolling here with some more shots I’ve posted recently that *gasp* don’t feature the boys, all found in my Flickr stream.
I FINALLY got around to processing some photos from the excellent Chase Jarvis Innerspace photo shoot from August 31st(!).
I also went on my first photostroll in a long time with the Seattle Flickr Meetup group to the Fishermen’s Terminal in Seattle and ended up shooting mostly macros.
Lastly, while going through the photos from Christmas, I came across a throwaway lighting test shot that my step brother Kane was gracious enough to stand in for while I tweaked my settings. This particular shot induced me to mess around with some high pass filtering, I like the way it came out. Obviously a lot more “processed” than the majority of my photos, but a cool change of pace.
Man, I should really be spacing these posts out more, I’m going to paint myself into a corner with post interval expectations…
Photos from the Park
And now we’re caught up with the photos. (= We’ve had a beautiful week of sun, so clearly a trip to the park was in the cards. Here are 25 shots of the boys from Saturday.
Contact us directly for print versions.