Archive for the ‘Posted by Adam’ Category
Photos: First Day of 1st Grade
The first day of 1st grade has come and gone, and we’re continuing our “Favorites” tradition. Full set of 7 photos here.
(You can see last year’s favorites here: /2014/09/09/photos-first-day-of-kindergarten/)
Photos: Disney World 2015
121 photos from our Disneyworld trip are up. From half marathons to 200m kids races, character breakfasts to gators, everyone had a whole lot of extended family fun! A few highlights below:
Photos: Six Years Old!
It’s official: despite our best efforts, they’re six years old already. Will and Andrew had a birthday pool party, and we have proof. 68 handpicked pieces of photographic evidence, to be specific. Also included are gifts from the family and the aftermath thereof. Thank you to everyone who brought crayons and coloring books for the children’s hospital, we’ll be delivering them once the Halloween insanity passes.
Photos: First Day of Kindergarten!
Yes, yet another milestone has passed — Will and Andrew started Kindergarten last week! Full set of 18 photos here.
We Have Returned
I’m not going to pretend that you noticed we were gone. 😉 After taking the blog offline due to a WordPress exploit a month or two ago, I’ve migrated to a different server (obligatory props to RimuHosting), upgraded to the latest and greatest versions of everything and got the place back in working order. We will now resume with the few and far between photo dumps that you’re all silently demanding.
Photos: Oahu 2013
We recently returned from the first family Hawaii trip with 90 photos on display. Will and Andrew ended up loving playing in the ocean, along with a pirate ship cruise, a visit to the Dole plantation, a wild sea turtle named Brutus and all kinds of family fun!
Photos: October 2013
October brought us birthday parties, treasure hunts, a Craven Farms visit, Halloween and 34 new photos for your perusal. Highlights include R2-Andrew and Will’s Sonic the Hedgehog costume, copious amounts of Legos, and Sonic and Tails birthday cakes.
Photos: Autumn Trip to California
Hot on the heels of our latest trip to California, we have 36 new photos for your viewing pleasure. Included: playing in the dirt and mud next to the hotel (with copious lens flares), the Castilleja 15 year reunion picnic, the Radian Water Polo reunion picnic and a trip to Happy Hollow.
Will and Andrew Take Ski Lessons – Video!
Will and Andrew have now taken a pair of two hour ski lessons up at Steven’s Pass. The first time, on Easter, they didn’t even get up the “magic carpet” onto the bunny slope. Last weekend they did much better.
Three more short clips:
Lil’ Bruisers
Will and Andrew are each sporting facial lacerations today. Will fell while running around at the park a few days ago and scratched up his nose and got a fat lip, and Andrew slipped while climbing up a slide and fell onto the stick he was carrying. Four year olds.
Here is a small batch of 9 photos, including their Octonauts goggles and disassembling and old computer.