Summer Photos

I’ve posted a backlog of 20 photos from July here which include a trip to Northwest Trek and daylight 4th of July celebrations on our street.

Will and Andrew with a bear at Northwest Trek Will is delighted 2 Andrew being Andrew

Will and Andrew watch a caterpillar at Northwest Trek Andrew and Will ride a slug at Northwest Trek 2

Amusingly, the same bear photo from 2011 is here.

Halloween Photos

A trip through the earthquake exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences sparked Will into wanting to be a Seismologist, to counter Andrew’s insistence on being a Paleontologist. Yeah. (=

Full set here, which includes ONE BONUS PHOTO!

Paleontologist Andrew and Seismologist Will Andrew's Paleontologist costume - back Will's Seismologist costume - back

Decorated pumpkins. Bekki MAY have done one of them.

Two October Nuggets

“Silly Sentences1 is a proud sponsor of Disney Junior!”2
– Andrew, 2012-10-30

“Mommy, I have a production push3. I am sending things to another company.”4
– Will, 2012-10-31

1. A card game they received for their birthday.
2. They are not.
3. He did not. (We’ve attempted to explain how Daddy sometimes has to work right after dinner doing production pushes… apparently at least some of it stuck.)
4. (While swinging around a glow stick in his room with the lights off.)

London 2012 Summer Olympics Photos

Here are 172 photos from our trip to the London 2012 Summer Olympics. We see the Olympic sights, witness 7 very different sports, party with the Gold Medal-winning USA Women’s Water Polo team and visit the Harry Potter Studio Tour. Some highlights below:

Melissa Seidemann and Bekki Tori, Alan, Jessie and Bekki in the Olympic Stadium

Melissa Seidemann's gold medal Tori, Bekki and Jessie outside the Water Polo Arena in Olympic Park Jennifer Suhr clears 4.55 meters on her first attempt at the London 2012 Olympics

Thailand's Pen-Ek Karaket kicks Egypt's Tamer Bayoumi (1) Norway celebrates a comeback 21-19 quarterfinal win over Brazil in Women's Handball (2)

USA's goalie Betsey Armstrong Lauren Wenger, Betsey Armstrong and Kelly Rulon celebrate gold

Russian Shot Putter Evgeniia Kolodko Celebrates 2 Italy vs. Brazil in Men's Volleyball (2) American Michael Tinsley celebrates his silver medal in the Men's 400m Hurdles 2

Tori and Jessie in front of the Olympic Stadium (2) Hungary's Women's Water Polo team

USA's Maggie Steffens, Elsie Windes, Jessica Steffens and Melissa Seidemann (1) Croatia's goalie Josip Pavic celebrates gold

2012 London Olympics Photo Teaser

Oh, hey there. Fancy seeing you around. It’s been a while.

I’ll be posting photos from our 2012 London Olympics trip (sans kids!) in the next few days, but I figured I’d throw up this panorama of the Olympic Stadium from row 9 in the meantime.

2012 Olympic Stadium Panorama from Row 9

[ Medium size here (4078 x 900) ] [ Big size here (7394 x 1632) ]

Photos: Wisconsin 2012

109 photos from our trip to Wisconsin have been posted under the Vacations album. Included are copius amounts of family, a visit to the Mall of America, Lake Superior, Madeline Island, fun on a dock, up a tree and on multiple beaches, two campfires complete with marshmallow roasting, and other assorted shenanigans. Highlights:

And here’s the quickie end of the night partial family shot:

Photos: Disneyland, San Diego and Sprinklers

May brought a trip to California packed with Disneyland and a detour to San Diego, then back home to sprinkler fun with Kate. 41 photos are up for your viewing pleasure.

Highlights below include: Andrew doing his exercises, pool and waterslide fun, the Honey Badger Cares shirt, and watermelon in the sun.

Photos: Easter 2012

Springtime was in full swing as Easter came around, featuring not one but two egg hunts, playing at the park and basket mayhem. 51 pieces of photographic evidence are provided here.

Photos: Bikes in the Park

15 new photos of the boys are up, go check them out.

Things I Saw at the Excision Concert Tonight