Japan Photos, Part 2
33 more photos from our Japan trip have been added to the photo gallery. Day 3 was a busy day, hitting the fish market in the morning, going to a sumo tournament and the Edo-Tokyo Museum next door, a trip to Harajuku then back to Roppongi for dinner with friends. This batch starts on page 3. Stay tuned for more…
Japan Photos, Part 1
Instead of going through the somewhat tedious process of working through the hundreds of photos from Japan then posting them, I’ll be uploading them in chunks instead for a change. There’s a short trip diary in the works as well.
This first batch covers the first two days including our hotel The Prince Park Tower Tokyo, the ugliest turtle in the world, Akihabara by day and the second night’s fantastic paddle restaurant.
Here are the first 41 photos, which we’ll append future uploads to. And the requisite teasers:
Gaming Addendum
Bekki not-so-subtly reminded me that I missed a game in yesterday’s post.
We’ve been playing LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 on the Wii, we’re up to year 4. There’s been a smattering of New Super Mario Bros Wii in there as well, but Bekki claims her platforming skills aren’t up to snuff, so it’s been mostly Harry Potter. (=
August Gaming Roundup
A non-toddler related post for a change. (=
Carnage Blender — This is a free web-based, non-graphical strategy PvP fighting RPGish sort of game. Not a MUD or a MOO for you old schoolers, basically just the fighting and character management (items, training) aspects of RPGs without the questing etc. I played the previous incarnation of it for a while back in 2003 and recently stumbled across it again. Let me know if you join, as there’s a pretty steep learning curve. Not for everyone, but it’s fun if you get into it. It’s got a great community around it, albiet considerably smaller than it was back in the day (primarily due to the lack of pretty graphics and aforementioned learning curve). And, blasphemy of blasphemies, the chat and forums there are PG-only, so there is far less retardedness than your typical online game.
Borderlands — Grabbed this a while ago on super sale on Steam and have been enjoying it thoroughly. It’s basically Diablo in FPS form. On Playthrough 2 with my level 48 hunter currently. Next up will probably be Fallout 3 if I can catch it on sale again; I spaced and missed it a couple weeks ago.
Puzzle Quest 2 — Recently picked this up for the DS (it’s out on Steam now too), rivals the original for the best of this genre of game. The integration of different puzzle types is much better in this one, but it’s missing a few things that were nice in the first one too. It blows Galactrix out of the water, but that wasn’t too hard to do.
Everyday Genius: SqaureLogic — Another Steam purchase, a fun little logic game, sudoku-esque but with a lot of variety as well. Not cheap at $15 but the demo hooked me and I’ve definitely gotten my money’s worth out of it.
Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes — I started this a while back but Puzzle Quest 2 has taken over the DS as of late. An interesting twist on the match-3 puzzle RPG genre. A little tedious at times but overall pretty fun. One of these days I’ll finish it; I’m right near the end.
Sunday Playdate Photos
35 new photos have been posted, primarily of today’s playdate at Nora’s with Kate and Sammy, along with Bekki’s Harry Potter themed cupcakes.
Contact us directly for print sized versions.
The Talented Mr. Andrew
Not that Will isn’t talented, it’s just that Andy has started doing all of these fun things as of late plus I got them on video, so he gets the entry.
Just Another Night at the Lyon House
There’s been a marked increase in wrestling behavior ’round these parts. I’m not quite sure what to do about it, but I figure filming it is a good first step. I particularly enjoy how polite Andrew is with his pleading.
Photo Catchup
We’ve been neglecting you all, so we’ve posted 28 new photos from March-June. Included are parks, Sharks PJs, a buckethead and Will’s road rash.
Contact us directly for print versions.
Video Catchup
Bekki posted two videos that didn’t end up here, so here they are if you missed them.
Pre-Bed Energy Burn – June 12 2010
Disney World Wrap Up – April 2010
Lies, Damned Lies and 18 Month Checkups
Just the facts, ma’am:
Weight: 28lbs 6oz (75th percentile)
Length: 34″ (90th percentile)
Noggin: 50cm (95th percentile)
Weight: 27lbs (50th percentile)
Length: 33 1/4″ (75-90th percentile)
Noggin: 48cm (75th percentile)
Combined drool amount: moderate to massive