Disneyworld Photo Wrapup
67 new photos have been posted from our Disneyworld trip earlier this month. Lots of family made the trip: Grandma Kathy, Aunt Jessie, Grandma Deb, Grandpa Steve, Great-Grandma Joan and Great-Grandpa Jack. The boys rode their first rides, took their first dips in a pool and encountered their first furries. And maybe had a beer that weighed more than they did.
Contact us directly if you want print versions of any of these. They’re huge — uncropped, there are 1.4 billion pixels across these 67 photos!
Birthday Cakes!
The first birthday party went well, and the boys dug into their cakes… literally. (Andy moreso than Will, which will be further shown in upcoming photos.)
And a Month Later….
They’re actually walking walking, not just stepping! Loads of stories from the past month, including a grand tour of the most magical place in the world, but to keep it short today, two videos:
I Think This Means They’re Really Identical
Both Andrew and William had their first step(s) today. Andrew first, with one (but he pivoted 90 degrees while doing it, so that was cool). Then he did it again. And I guess Adam thought Will might feel left out, and was able to cajole him into taking three on his own. And then I realized maybe it was important to get it on video. Cue 15 different 4 second clips of the boys falling down. Awesome.
We did finally get Will to take about a step and half. It’s silly, but important to share.
Great Scott–School Already?!
Well, Adam and I are hotly debating whether our new toddler group can actually be called “school,” but it’s at least pretty close.
Today was our first day at Lake Washington Toddler Group and it went about as well as one could hope for. We were able to move A&W’s morning nap a little later, so the boys were very pleasant even though the class meets during their usual nap time. Lucky for me, no meltdowns until we were getting ready to leave. Class will usually include ample playtime in their HUGE play area (the “Circle of Fun” was an instant hit), some songs and snack time. Friends—the sight of 15 tiny babies (about 8-13 months) in little chairs was just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. I brought a messy snack, so I wasn’t able to snag a picture, but I will, I promise.
I was able to get a little video of A&W having a blast:
And also, just for kicks, here’s Will telling a story that amuses Andy quite a bit.
And while toddler group went well, I’m currently dealing with the fallout of having a short nap in the car. Not fun. I think it’s time to escape to the grocery store.
Photos — 10 Months!
28 new photos of the 10 month olds are up here. There are the usual shots and some from the front yard.
Busy Bees
I swear, I have never had this many social events in my life. Ever. These boys have too many friends, which is nice because that means I have a ton of new friends. Just a little run down of the past week:
- Sunday–picnic with our PEPS group. It’s so fun to see them, especially considering the youngest one was only 12 days old at our first meetings, and now she’s as tall as the twins!
- Tuesday– Gymboree with some PEPS friends. The boys just love it here, so much to crawl on, under and through.
- Wednesday–a trip to a splash park with Cathy, Miss O and Joey. The twins were not all that thrilled with the cold water shooting up from the ground, but the older two just loved it. A&W had more fun once we moved to the grass so they could crawl around. Andy tried to take a bite of my sandwich, he got a little bread and ham, but it was SO funny to see him try and figure it out.
- Thursday– A trip to Target AND playgroup at a local park. That playgroup usually meets during A&W’s afternoon nap, but this week, it started an hour later, plus it was close to our house. We were pretty late, but got a chance to see a bunch of cutie pies. A lot of this group will be in our preschool class starting in September, so I’m glad I got to see them!
- This weekend features a birthday party for our dear friends across the street and a little lunch time get-together with two very pregnant friends.
Busy, with a very capital B.
A Measly 8 New Photos
The title of this post says it all. Full set available here.
In other news, Bekki’s new laptop arrived and is doing just dandy. My short trip to Vancouver, BC went well enough. Baby BBQ at the park yesterday also went well.
Amazing Super Powers
I came across a great webcomic today (via Bad Astronomy), and the following comic not only deserves a link, but is relevant! (=
Note that all the comics have mouseover text (like xkcd) AND a bonus comic hidden just to the upper right of the strip! Some of these are better than the main comics themselves, like this one: http://www.amazingsuperpowers.com/2008/12/scrooge/
Another Photo Monday
Your weekly dose of photos have been posted, 10 this time around. Just your typical downstairs playroom shenanigans. (=