What An EggStravaganza!
Cheesy title I know, and yes, the blog has been lacking in updates of the boys as of late. But, you guys (said in my whiniest voice), this twin thing is hard. I can barely put a sentence together, let alone compose a thoughtfully written post about the Amazing Wonder Twins.
So Easter was a busy weekend, and we have proof in the form of a 5 minute long video in which Will takes out a 3 year old at the Easter egg hunt, we visit the children’s museum and Andy goes positively psycho at Red Robin. Really—look at his eyes in the last clip, spooky! Also, please check out the mom snagging things for her kid at the egg hunt, a kid that was way older than Will and Andy. I pretty much promise you, if your kid can’t pick it up, they do not need it.
Anyway, it’s long and you have to listen to my voice way more than you should, but here ya go.
Hey Andrew, What Did You Think of Tonight’s Sharks Game?
It’s a Photo Deluge!
Let’s keep the ball rolling here with some more shots I’ve posted recently that *gasp* don’t feature the boys, all found in my Flickr stream.
I FINALLY got around to processing some photos from the excellent Chase Jarvis Innerspace photo shoot from August 31st(!).
I also went on my first photostroll in a long time with the Seattle Flickr Meetup group to the Fishermen’s Terminal in Seattle and ended up shooting mostly macros.
Lastly, while going through the photos from Christmas, I came across a throwaway lighting test shot that my step brother Kane was gracious enough to stand in for while I tweaked my settings. This particular shot induced me to mess around with some high pass filtering, I like the way it came out. Obviously a lot more “processed” than the majority of my photos, but a cool change of pace.
Man, I should really be spacing these posts out more, I’m going to paint myself into a corner with post interval expectations…
Photos from the Park
And now we’re caught up with the photos. (= We’ve had a beautiful week of sun, so clearly a trip to the park was in the cards. Here are 25 shots of the boys from Saturday.
Contact us directly for print versions.
Photo Backlog 2 — January
Here are 25 photos from January 2010, mostly of the dreaded first haircut (which went exceedingly smoothly, primarily due to the tub of cars and toys they were given to occupy themselves with, along with the fun airplane chair).
Contact us directly for print versions.
Photo Backlog 1 — Christmastime
I’m giving up not posting to this blog for Lent, or something. 😉 We have some new photos but obviously some backlog too, so I’ll get these out first. This batch of 44 photos is from December 19-25, 2009.
Contact us directly for print versions.
Game On!
Between marathon hours at work and chasing hyperactive toddlers around, I’ve gotten a little bit of gaming in the past couple months (usually in that elusive midnight to 3am time slot). It’s been a while since I’ve posted (and even longer since I’ve posted something other than photos), so I figured I’d throw something out here. (=
Torchlight — This is a great action RPG (think Diablo II) by an indie company out of Seattle. $20 gives you a great holdover until Diablo III comes out and is a great game in its own right. I’ve put quite a few hours into this and even done some light modding. Check it out, it’s a ton of fun if this is a genre you like.
Plants vs. Zombies — I’ve had this for a while, and even gotten Bekki into it. (We actually splurged on the whole PopCap collection on Steam.) This is a fantastic game, potentially my Game of the Year. It’s sort of a tower defense style game, but very accessible and a lot of fun. PopCap does it once again. (=
Gyromancer — I picked this up a few weeks ago, it’s not bad. It’s similar to Puzzle Quest (which is a fantastic light RPG type game with a Bejeweled-like match 3 battle system), but it uses a Bejeweled Twist system instead, and is much lighter on the RPG side. It’s no Puzzle Quest, but it’s been amusing for the cheap price via Steam.
Carcassonne — I got this board game for my birthday, and have actually only played it with Bekki once, but I think it’s a lot of fun. Hopefully it’ll get some more attention over Christmas…
Poker — If you happen to follow me on Twitter, you already know that I randomly decided to download the FullTiltPoker app last night and ended up in a freeroll (tournament that is free to enter) for an eventual spot in the National Heads-Up Championship ($20,000 buy-in event). Somehow I ended up beating 359 other people to win an entry into a round 2 tournament on Thursday. I am not having any delusions of getting into the top 27 there (or winning the round 3 tournament), but I thought it was interesting nonetheless, especially since I’ve only played poker once or twice since moving up here and leaving behind a semi-regular home game.
There’s been a smattering of Guitar Hero 5, Guitar Hero Van Halen, The Beatles Rock Band and Rock Band 2 here and there.
Oh yeah, and toilet solitaire.
Awesome, Not Awesome
(Title is a tribute to one of my favorite radio shows, which was sadly canceled.)
The boys are officially 13 months old today, and here’s a little rundown of what is awesome….and not awesome.
Awesome: Walking, running, walking and eating, walking and drinking…these are some mobile kids.
Not Awesome: Still so unstable, they cannot be trusted anywhere. I joked with a friend that I will be shocked if we manage to get a picture without some sort of facial injury. Their little heads are magnets for corners and edges.
Awesome: The understand so much. I ask if they want dinner, and they come a running. If I ask if they want to go upstairs, they beeline for the door.
Not Awesome: It comes in waves, and I have to remind myself they won’t compute every little thing I ask.
Awesome: They’re figuring out how to play. We have this ball popper thing that shoots little balls up using a puff of air, and they now know to put the ball back in the tube. Or hammering little wooden balls into the box. Or even being able to play peek-a-boo back with you.
Not Awesome: The toy stealing is out of control. There’s a reason I never wanted to referee water polo games, it’s the least fun job. It’s lame to have to ref all day long, especially when the boys really don’t get it yet.
Awesome: There’s actual communication going on. Lots of pointing and babbling. They will both point at the dog and say “daw.” Will just started saying car and making a sign when he wants more of something. It’s so cool.
Not Awesome: At this point, it’s still pretty unhelpful They don’t really say mama or dada in the right context and they’re certainly not asking for what they really want, so there’s still a lot of frustration.
Here’s a video from the last month. Somewhere in the middle, they show off their most adorable move–the head rubbing to show affection. And make sure your sound is up, because the last 15 seconds are so fun.
Halloween Photo Bonanza
29 new Halloween photos are up in the usual spot! We got a bunch more shots of the boys in their costumes, and also a visit from the Stevensons.
First Birthday Photos!
31 birthday photos have been uploaded for your viewing pleasure. In addition to the cake ravaging seen in the previously posted video, there’s also some shots of the boys in their Halloween costumes.