Archive for the ‘Twins’ Category
Two October Nuggets
“Silly Sentences1 is a proud sponsor of Disney Junior!”2
– Andrew, 2012-10-30
“Mommy, I have a production push3. I am sending things to another company.”4
– Will, 2012-10-31
1. A card game they received for their birthday.
2. They are not.
3. He did not. (We’ve attempted to explain how Daddy sometimes has to work right after dinner doing production pushes… apparently at least some of it stuck.)
4. (While swinging around a glow stick in his room with the lights off.)
Photos: Wisconsin 2012
109 photos from our trip to Wisconsin have been posted under the Vacations album. Included are copius amounts of family, a visit to the Mall of America, Lake Superior, Madeline Island, fun on a dock, up a tree and on multiple beaches, two campfires complete with marshmallow roasting, and other assorted shenanigans. Highlights:
And here’s the quickie end of the night partial family shot:
Photos: Disneyland, San Diego and Sprinklers
May brought a trip to California packed with Disneyland and a detour to San Diego, then back home to sprinkler fun with Kate. 41 photos are up for your viewing pleasure.
Highlights below include: Andrew doing his exercises, pool and waterslide fun, the Honey Badger Cares shirt, and watermelon in the sun.
Photos: Easter 2012
Springtime was in full swing as Easter came around, featuring not one but two egg hunts, playing at the park and basket mayhem. 51 pieces of photographic evidence are provided here.
Photos: Bikes in the Park
15 new photos of the boys are up, go check them out.
Mister Muhmelman
A few days ago we were listening to one of the music stations on the TV in the playroom (Throwback Jamz probably; there’s a bunch I scan through, though Classic Alternative is usually a good place to park it), and “People Everyday” came on. The kids often ask “What’s the name of this song? Who sings it? What’s the name of this song? What band is it? Who sings it?” Sometimes I tell them preemptively.
Me: This song is by Arrested Development.
(One minute passes as they continue playing…)
Will: Is Mister Muhmelman a bad guy?
It took me a few moments to realize that “Mister Muh-mel-man” was the crazy three year old interpretation/bastardization of “Arrested Development.”
(They are somewhat obsessed with bad guys who make bad choices as of late.)
And for the record, no, Mister Muhmelman is not a bad guy.
Do You Want to Be a Bobo?
One offhand comment around friends about a hobo and that quickly gets transofrmed by our kids into a “Bobo” (by way of “homo,” which was thankfully short-lived).
Queue several minutes of our kids and the neighbor kids asking each other if they want to be Bobos, followed by crazed laughter.
Naturally, we were curious what they thought they were laughing about.
Q: What’s a Bobo?
A: A boat that carries oranges and lemons.
Q: Okay… so, what do you call a boat that carries watermelons?
A: A carrier boat. (Duh.)
Summer Photo Deluge
So apparently I haven’t posted any non-Alaska photos from July onwards, so here are 109 photos from this summer. A quick recap…
We hit Remlinger Farms a couple times and picked blueberries (home and away):
We played in the pirate ship, pool and bounce house in our backyard:
We got new bikes and went swimming:
We had an early birthday party in California:
And we saw our family:
PJs, Beaches and Playgrounds
At long last, here is a set of 16 new photos of the boys.
Easter Photos
32 photos from our two Easter parties (with some extras thrown in) have been posted.